Russia Dating Single Woman - Sankt-Peterburg, St.-Petersburg - sjosephine

sjosephine is 41 years old, single woman originary from Russia and living in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia.
sjosephine want to find a man from her country or around ! do you feel the same need ?
Sankt-Peterburg - Russia

my name is Josephine am here to seek a good man for a serious relationship My Hobbies: reading and writing Novels, watching tv, listening to music, listen to the news, Sport, Particularly Swimming, Traveling, Religious, Roman Catholic my plans for my future to find a man and settle down
I expect that my partner have those particularities:
Am looking for my soul mate, someone who is exciting and adventurous, has great sense of humor and enjoys making me laugh. someone who is so glad to share, so glad to help and give,someone who i can share my thoughts with and who will makes me feel special and brings out the best in me Someone who tries to understand me even when he haven't got a clue of me . Someone that would be ready to give so much of himself and can do anything, go anywhere, and sacrifice anyth
ing he has for sake of LOVE.

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