Canadá Citas hombre soltero - Ajax, Ontario - Stevvenn

Stevvenn tiene 29 años, hombre solo de Líbano y vive en Ajax, Canadá.
Stevvenn quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Ajax - Canadá
"Passionate about sports, especially soccer and basketball. Nothing beats the thrill of a live game! Lebanese cuisine enthusiast – let's share a feast of delicious dishes together. An avid traveler seeking someone to explore new destinations and create amazing memories. Education is my passion; I enjoy deep conversations and expanding my knowledge. Love staying fit and reading a good book in my downtime. Looking for someone who shares my zest for life, enjoys exploring, and values both adventure and intellect.
Lo que espero del otro
"Passionate about sports, especially soccer and basketball. Nothing beats the thrill of a live game! Lebanese cuisine enthusiast – let's share a feast of delicious dishes together. An avid traveler seeking someone to explore new destinations and create amazing memories. Education is my passion; I enjoy deep conversations and expanding my knowledge. Love staying fit and reading a good book in my downtime. Looking for someone who shares my zest for life, enjoys exploring, and values both adventure and intellect.

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