Bélgica Citas hombre soltero - Herentals 2200, Vlaanderen - bjorn

bjorn tiene 38 años, hombre solo de Bélgica y vive en Herentals, Bélgica.
bjorn quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Herentals - Bélgica
Hey hey ! Let's see what we have a nice guy, goodlooking and funny classy. like to go out for a nice meal loves wine likes a great single malt whisky with his coffee. Is likely to have fun with, and looking for similar in this great woman. Fun, enjoy each other no serious things, no falling in love just enjoy the fun side an have a great night out ! :) I am travelling Beirut, end of september.
Lo que espero del otro
A goodlooking a pleasant woman, who like to dress nice and is classy. She enjoys the good things in life. A nice dinner out, good restaurant, have some wine and drinks, good chat ! Then gets a little more naughty some more chats and a glass of wine more. let's pay the bill and get some fun now. like tearing clothes off ! :)

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