Canadá Citas hombre soltero - Vancouver, British Columbia - samfayad65

samfayad65 tiene 39 años, hombre solo de Líbano y vive en Vancouver, Canadá.
samfayad65 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Vancouver - Canadá
I'am intelligent, ambitious, confident &

successful, I'm highly educated &

adventurous, I 'm fun loving with a sense of humour, romantic, &

honest. I'm modern but still keep my values &

morals. love my culture&

upbringing. I left. Lebanon where was born to pursue my higher education in the United States..
I like to walk by the beach/sunset.,trips to the mountain &

travel, dancing, music &

movies. Also, reading for personnel and intellectual growth. I like to play volleyball and tennis.
Lo que espero del otro
I'm looking for a Lebanese lady who's attractive, intelligent, educated, ambitious and have the right chemistry. Someone who share my Lebanese values and morals and other qualities that I mentioned about myself. I like someone who's single and never had children but would like to have children.

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