Irlanda Citas hombre soltero - Dublin (Carmanhall and Leopardstown) D18 X5K7, County Dublin - micheal59

micheal59 tiene 57 años, hombre solo de Finlandia y vive en Dublin (Carmanhall and Leopardstown), Irlanda.
micheal59 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Dublin (Carmanhall and Leopardstown) - Irlanda
playful, strong yet sensitive, very compassionate, independent and that I have a lot of emotional, intellectual and spiritual curiosity. As a dedicated father, a true friend and one who highly values my family, I am also an extraordinarily grateful person who takes nothing for granted. I am driven and successful in my career but I find balance and believe that my most important job is to be a great father, friend, and community member. I am very adventurous and active, I can honestly say that I
Lo que espero del otro
Someone who is caring, communicative and intelligent, but can also be playful and silly. Attractive, affectionate won't hurt either. The ability to give, love, share, and communicate cannot be stressed enough.

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