Holanda Citas solteras - Ulestraten 6235, Limburg - charlotte7

charlotte7 tiene 29 años, mujer solo de Sudán y vive en Ulestraten, Holanda.
charlotte7 quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Ulestraten - Holanda
I'm an easy going girl full of life and still very young at heart.I love to meet people and discover the beauty of life and nature. ready to traveled to so many places and have seen different culture and people and i came to a conclusion that I can make it anywhere.I am very romantic and caring,I do everything like a normal person and I hardly get angry at people and I am confident and ready to face challenges.I am presently single but with heart filled with love.
Lo que espero del otro
I am looking forward to meeting someone who shares similar views, who is kind, honest, intelligent, passionate and spontaneous, caring and supportive, adventurous, attractive, loyal, and trustworthy. One of my passions is community service, so I would love to meet somebody who would have the same philosophy of sharing and caring about the world and humanity. I would love to be with someone who is a traveler whether it is a few days in the mountains, a trip abroad, or a day trip to explore nearby

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Este sitio ha sido creado para formar relaciones serias, estables y duraderas, no podrá usarlo para enviar fotos no respetuosas, no debe enviar mensajes de odio, no podrá ni acosar a un miembro.
Hemos puesto a su disposición la posibilidad de bloquear a un miembro en cualquier momento, para reportarlo a la administración que hará su trabajo rápidamente.
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