Estados Unidos Citas hombre soltero - Irving, Texas - othmn178mk musulmán

othmn178mk tiene 53 años, hombre solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Irving, Estados Unidos.
othmn178mk quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Irving - Estados Unidos

I'm a sweet laid back,easy going man.A wonderful father with a lovely daughter who means the world to me.Never in my life did i see myself signing up on a dating site,but as they say life is unpredictable.I'm honest, affectionate, caring, social, active and friendly person that enjoys life and all it has to offer,I'm a cuddle and a gentle man.I like to travel, go to movies, play golf, play cards, bowl, and take walks (especially on the beach).
Lo que espero del otro
My Ideal Person I'm looking for a woman who can be a pillar of strength and stability in my life,A woman who i can count on to do what she says and says what she means. Chemistry has to be present. She also needs to be very intuitive with a LOT of common sense.Someone who appreciates the gift of life and at the same time enjoys the simpler things in life as well as the finer things..

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Este sitio ha sido creado para formar relaciones serias, estables y duraderas, no podrá usarlo para enviar fotos no respetuosas, no debe enviar mensajes de odio, no podrá ni acosar a un miembro.
Hemos puesto a su disposición la posibilidad de bloquear a un miembro en cualquier momento, para reportarlo a la administración que hará su trabajo rápidamente.
Le pedimos que lea nuestros términos y condiciones y que los respete.



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