Libano Incontri un uomo - Zgharta, North Lebanon - Charbel199

Charbel199 ha 24 anni, uomo single dall'Libano e vive in Zgharta, Libano.
Charbel199 vorrebbe chiacchierare con una donna assomiglia a lui.
Zgharta - Libano
A  deceitful person can't keep friends and social connections for long because they are very much temped to lie about their feelings, actions, life, etc.
We can perceive them as two-faced, dishonest, false, hypocritical or even sneaky, misleading, untrustworthy kind of persons. Therefore within this mixture of feelings we find difficult to have a solid connection with a deceitful person.
You will feel disappointment and regret, in most cases, after interacting with this kind of persons.
Cosa mi aspetto dall'altro
A  deceitful person can't keep friends and social connections for long because they are very much temped to lie about their feelings, actions, life, etc.
We can perceive them as two-faced, dishonest, false, hypocritical or even sneaky, misleading, untrustworthy kind of persons. Therefore within this mixture of feelings we find difficult to have a solid connection with a deceitful person.
You will feel disappointment and regret, in most cases, after interacting with this kind of persons.

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