Libano Incontri un uomo - Beirut, Beirut - marwan1988

marwan1988 ha 27 anni, uomo single dall'Libano e vive in Beirut, Libano.
marwan1988 vorrebbe chiacchierare con una donna assomiglia a lui.
Beirut - Libano
Interview time! I mean really - that's what this is all about. Its kinda like going to buy a car, getting a job etc. Check out all the options, see what catches your eye and then go from there.

I guess if you have gotten this far, my pos have passed the visual check and now you need to make sure we have some things in common. I'm actually always open to meet people that have different interests than I do because it's always a great way to learn about/experience something new.
Cosa mi aspetto dall'altro
I am looking for a women that is fun loving and spontaneous. Some other characteristics I am looking for include: independence, sense of humor,career driven and trustworthy.

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