Alemanha Namoro homem solteiro - Leipzig, Saxony - larrym52 cristão

larrym52 tem 52 anos, homem solteiro da Alemanha e mora na Leipzig, Alemanha.
larrym52 Emile gostaria de conversar com uma mulherquem se parece com ele.
Leipzig - Alemanha
Hoping to find chemistry where it feels natural from the start. I'm interested in getting to know someone who is kindhearted and family oriented. Up in the air about being online again and hope it's worth it. I am a man who still desires love and passion. I'm serious and still feel sexy. I'm down to earth and on the natural side. I consider myself kind and try to treat people the way I would want to be treated.
O que eu espero do outro
My ideal person would be someone who is thoughtful of others before herself. Who is romantic without being asked and enjoys spending quality time learning about each other. I love someone who loves life, who laughs and doesn't always take things seriously. Honesty and fidelity are a MUST! Being able to communicate openly and not quick to judge nor respond with anger and negativity. I am looking for a long term relationship.

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