Arábia Saudita Namoro homem solteiro - Riyadh, Riyadh - 3lish

3lish tem 27 anos, homem solteiro da Arábia Saudita e mora na Riyadh, Arábia Saudita.
3lish Emile gostaria de conversar com uma mulherquem se parece com ele.
Riyadh - Arábia Saudita
Relationship is something that doesn't need a tag of relationship. You can feel for someone in a special way and that person can feel the same for you, it's not important that you guys are a couple. That's a relationship, of hearts. The connect you feel for each other is a relationship. Relationship cannot be forced on someone as in case of marriages done without the wish of the person. Relationship is itself a feeling, not just a tag. For example, more than friends and less than lovers is itself a relationship.
O que eu espero do outro
Relationship is something that doesn't need a tag of relationship. You can feel for someone in a special way and that person can feel the same for you, it's not important that you guys are a couple. That's a relationship, of hearts. The connect you feel for each other is a relationship. Relationship cannot be forced on someone as in case of marriages done without the wish of the person. Relationship is itself a feeling, not just a tag. For example, more than friends and less than lovers is itself a relationship.

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