Lésbica Pimenta Namoro mulher solteira - San Bernardo, Santiago Metropolitan - zoo87

zoo87 tem 32 anos, mulher solteiro da Haiti e mora na San Bernardo, Pimenta.
zoo87 Emile gostaria de conversar com uma mulherquem se parece com ele.
San Bernardo - Pimenta
I am very endearing and friendly
I'm pretty cool with a romantic character
I hate hypocrisy
And the lie
I am looking for seriousness only seriousness
<< to all that analyze my p'tite note >>

I am a single man;
I am 32 years old, the reason why, I am here: it is to find my soul s% u0153ur
For master in life a little Color
I want to step on the other side of the world
Beyond Paris and the Waves Caster
I'm going to fogs and oceans
Deep in the Atlantic cove
I want the sun waking up the
O que eu espero do outro
I am very endearing and friendly
I'm pretty cool with a romantic character
I hate hypocrisy
And the lie
I am looking for seriousness only seriousness
<< to all that analyze my p'tite note >>

I am a single man;
I am 32 years old, the reason why, I am here: it is to find my soul s% u0153ur
For master in life a little Color
I want to step on the other side of the world
Beyond Paris and the Waves Caster
I'm going to fogs and oceans
Deep in the Atlantic cove
I want the sun waking up the

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